Take a look at your life. Do you have kids? What is your profession? What are your hobbies? Do you like receiving friends at home? Do you have the patience to teach?

Although things do not look 100% clear at first glance, there is a big chance that you are already living what you came here to do on Earth and have not yet realized.

The weight of the archetypes

According to the physicist Amit Goswami, there are nine main archetypes (primordial models, also explored by Carl Jung; aspects of a supramental level of our existence) by which we can guide our lives. They are: love, truth, beauty, justice, goodness, power, wholeness, abundance andself.

With regard to the manifestation of our wishes, when our will is connected with one of the archetypes, the probability of realization is bigger, since our desire will be in accordance with the greater will of the Universe.

When we talk about a life with meaning, we are talking about a mental aspect. It is the mind that attributes meaning to things. When we talk about purpose,we are speaking of a higher level, and that is where the archetypes come in.

Some examples of “occupations” related to archetypes:

love: maternity, voluntary, nurse

justice: lawyer, mediator at the neighbours association

wholeness: holistic therapist, integral therapist, doctor

kindness: religion, philanthropy, helping someone from your family or someone in trouble

beauty: artists, architects, decorators

If you are dissatisfied with your life, with your work, it is because you are working with a wrong archetype or you are not yet aware of which one is yours.

The archetype of the truthfor me was very clear, but when I compared the others to see which had the biggest weight in my life, I saw how much beautyhad a weight in the decisions I made. Not physical beauty, but mostly the environment in which I live. If I am not living in a beautiful place, I lose joy.

An exercise to help you

There is an exercise suggested by Deepak Chopra which is to choose a phrase or even a word to guide your life. In coaching we do this in a more elaborate way, but here are some of the suggestions he gave:

– Love and compassion;

– Promoting peace;

– Teaching;

– Seeking creative expression;

– Protecting those in a non-privileged position;

– Promoting culture;

– Exploring and discovering;

– Serving.

My phrase is “sharing knowledge.” It is what gives me the most pleasure in life. And then, when I looked at how I use this in my days, I am doing it all the time: in the book I am writing, in this article, in a chat with my friends, in a Facebook post, when I teach someone a recipe.

You do not need to have a big crack to be living in fulfillment. All you need is a more careful look at what you alreadydo, whether professionally or day-to-day.